Latoya Rafaëla
Actress | Singer | PRODUCER

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Best regards, Latoya Rafaela





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The short film "Melktijd" has been shot and handed in to the jury of the 48 hour film festival in Nijmegen.
The team "Dutch Dream Factory" is happy and proud of the end result and confident their film will do well.

The film takes place on set of a comercial where it seems like the two actors might share a true romance... we also might be wrong though...
Genre of the film: Romance
Character: Frederique van der Trap, the tap dancer (played by Latoya Rafaëla)
Line: I expected something unexpected
Prop: a glove

"Melktijd' will screen on April 6, during the GO Short film festival in Nijmegen.

 Poster melktijd

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 For more information please contact me by filling in the contactsheet on the website or send an email to



