Latoya Rafaëla
Actress | Singer | PRODUCER

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Please scroll down to check out the latest news about me and my projects.
For more information, photos and videos, please navigate through the menu or contact me via contact sheet or email.
Don't forget to leave me a message.

Best regards, Latoya Rafaela





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New short film released!
Latoya Rafaëla plays the role of Lise Knot along side of actors Chris Tates, Manouk van der Meulen en Chris Wolterink in the short film "Disconnected".
Disconnected is a dramatic romance about a woman, unhappy in her relationship, who escapes reality into an online fantasy world.
The short film was part of the 48 hour Film Festival Eindhoven, where it was nominated 7 times and won the award for best sound design.
The teaser of the film is online now. Go to the menu and visit "videos" to check it out!

 Draadloos poster

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 For more information please contact me by filling in the contactsheet on the website or send an email to



